Welby Moore

Software Dev · Website Dev · Tech Enthusiast
Personal: welbymoore248@gmail.com · School: welby2@illinois.edu

Champaign, IL 61801

Computer science + Philosophy student at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.

My Resume


Cloud Operations Intern

I worked independently on several projects relating to the automation of Microsoft Azure resources. From this, I learned how to fully automate the creation of any application's resources by using Terraform and Terraform Cloud. I would also regularly present updates to my team, and received consistently positive feedback for timeliness and quality.
This internship taught me a lot about how the workflow opperates at a big company and what to expect in a production environment.

June 2022 - August 2022

Homework Team Lead and Project Manager

I was part of two different student-run Freshman honors CS course at UIUC. For one of the classes, I worked in a team with other students to write challanging homework problems. For the other class, I worked as a project manager for 6 different semester-long projects. The projects included developing games using Unity and building websites.

August 2020 - May 2022

Online Instructor

I taught 5 different programming related courses to kids aged between 8 - 14. The topics included Minecraft modding with Java, Roblox design with Lua scripting, and 3D game development with Unity.

June 2021 - August 2021

Summer Intern

Computer Bits Inc.

I completed serval Rails web-based projects and assisted in debugging multiple websites that were under development.

June 2019 - August 2019


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Bachelor's Degree

Computer Science + Philosophy

The topics I've learned in both computer science and philosophy have been fascinating. The most interesting intersection between the two topics includes artificial intelligence and ethics. I've taken classes that cover both topics in a general sense but also specific classes that combined the two topics.
I love working with computers and philosophy seperately but it's much more exciting when they can work together.

August 2019 - May 2023


I enjoy spending time outside either walking or biking around, I love to listen to music, and I like playing and modding video games.

Programming has also become a frequent fascination of mine.


  • What's for Dinner
  • Route Tracker
  • Quick Player


Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Rust
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • HTML


  • MacOS
  • Android
  • Linux
  • GitHub
  • Git
  • Unity
  • Bootstrap

Source Code